
Good Riddance, 2023.

Nothing really changes on New Year’s Day. Still, January always feels like the opportunity for a fresh start. So let’s begin the New Year with a new post.

1.      Toward the end of 2023, I had the honor of having a series of lyric essay/prose poem pieces called “The Blues Notes” appear in Dog Throat Journal, a fresh new online publication dedicated to publishing flash fiction and prose poetry. A huge thanks to Victor Sandiego and the staff at Dog Throat Journal for appreciating my creative vision.

2.      2024 just started, so I’m hoping you haven’t fallen into an abyss of cynicism yet. If not, and if you are looking to turn the corner toward success this year - check out my recent post on Medium titled “Mastering These 24 Concepts Will Help You Crush 2024.” I’m honest enough to admit nothing I say by itself is groundbreaking, but if you successfully incorporate the 24 mini-habits listed in this article into your daily routines, I’m certain you will hit new heights.

Until my next post – be good.

It’s Been a Long Time, I Shouldn’t Have Left You…

I abandoned this website for some time, but I plan to get back into the practice of posting more regularly. I’m not pinkie-swearing, but I will better attempt to cultivate a deliberate practice with this page.

One good thing about being on “hi haters, I’m back off hiatus” status is I should have plenty to report on here. My writing and explorations didn’t quit just because I wasn’t posting here.

1.      On 10/22/2023, I hit a milestone that I desired for my entire writing career – to get a poem featured in Verse Daily, a poetry daily on the internet. By republishing one new poem each day from fine literary magazines and books, Verse Daily promotes poets & publishers while providing a wealth of excellent poetry to the public free of charge. My poem “After the Funeral” appeared there and it feels humbling to be alongside a long history of talented poets.

2.      “After the Funeral” is just one of many fine poems (of course, I’m biased) from my second book “Field Guide to the Human Condition.” Since we’re tiptoeing across the border between 2023 and 2024, many of you are looking for new books for next year’s reading list. I humbly ask you to consider adding Field Guide to your 2024 literary queue – it has just enough introspection to impact the new year for you.

3.      But wait – make a reading list, but don’t make reading one of your resolutions. Why? Check out my recent article on Medium called “Stop Making New Year’s Resolutions” to read my semi-spicy take on this annual activity we should all cease participating in…right now and forever ever, forever ever.

Until my next post – be good.

21 Thoughts to Ponder.

I'm still playing catch up on sharing things on this blog from when I was temporarily ignoring it. I decided to abandon the charade of composing New Year's Resolutions this year and instead penned "21 Thoughts to Ponder in 2021." Inspired by the pandemic and the inherent awkwardness of 2020, I think you'll discover some tiny gems of wisdom in this listicle. Check it out if you get a chance.

Encouragement to keep it together.

Photo by Maximiliano Cesar from Pexels

The past 12-15 months has proven to be one big lesson on keeping our balance on shaky ground. We are all searching for ways to adapt, recalibrate, and thrive in the face of COVID-19, social injustice, economic pressures, and…well…life.

I wrote a little rant of encouragement a while back called “Your Plans May Fall Apart, But You Shouldn’t” over on Medium. I don’t proclaim to have all the answers, but I think you may discover some insight on remaining strong in the face of the pandemic and other uncertainties.

Personal Development on a Budget

Photo by Samuel Zeller on Unsplash

I have another new-ish article over on Medium as part of my Secondhand Inspiration Project series called Personal Development on a Budget. If you get a chance, check it out.

It’s all about discovering various low cost, high yield ways that you can improve yourself, even when your money is tight or your free time is at a premium. The article was motivated by the following quote:

“Personal development is the belief that you are worth the effort, time and energy needed to develop yourself.” ―Denis Waitley

I hope you find this article useful. Be good.

Stop Before You Start

My newest post for The Secondhand Inspiration Project over on Medium is focused on Avoiding Bad Habits that Die Hard with Warren Buffett

The quote that I used as kindle for my flame is: “Chains of habit are too light to be felt until they are too heavy to be broken.”

Develop enough discipline to avoid any new bad habits. And stay inspired.