
Are Literary Contests Worth It?

That is a question I have wondered for years. Yet I still submit. Masochistic, I know. Maybe I secretly enjoy rejection.

But I digress. You should check out this take on the merit of writing competitions by Elisa Gabbert (on the Electric Lit blog).

Why Sarah Left Her Husband

Despite the seemingly eternal blog silence, yeah, I am still breathing. Which means I am still writing.

My prose poem Why Sarah Left Her Husband appears in the latest edition of The Poet’s Touchstone (Volume 55, Number 3, Summer 2012), a publication of the Poetry Society of New Hampshire. In addition, Why Sarah Left Her Husband also earned fourth place honors in the Poetry Society of New Hampshire’s National Poetry Contest for Summer 2012.

Judge Barbara Benoit said of the poem, “…an understated quality hovers in the darkness of this poem. We never see the room of images yet the reader is told everything.”

I am flattered; big thanks to the judge and the contest organizers.


My poem Redemption recently won the 2010 Southern Illinois Writers Guild National Contest (Poetry Division)!  Big thanks to Roger Poppen (the Contest Chair) and anyone else involved in with this wonderful contest opportunity. My poem Education also earned a tie for third place.

I am both happy and humbled that my work has been received this positively. Redemption especially was an experiment of sorts for me, a venture into a different style of poetry than I usually write, so I am encouraged by its victory.

To see a complete list of the contest winners, you can click here.

Since Redemption garnered first place, it will be published in an anthology – I’ll pass along those details later.


My poem If Love is a Big City, Lately I've Considered Relocating recently won the Third Annual Burning the Midnight Oil poetry contest over at The Write Helper!  Big thanks to the Amy Harke-Moore for creating and judging this contest opportunity.

You can check out If Love is a Big City, Lately I've Considered Relocating on The Write Helper’s website by clicking the link below:

I was also given the opportunity to write a short profile about my writing on The Write Helper's site - you can read it here:

I better run and take this rare opportunity of Sunday afternoon free time to get some writing done.  Be good…