Writing Tools and Information

When You Cannot Write a Single Word.

In Writers Recommend, poet Lo Kwa Mei-en describes what she does when she cannot write a single word:

"I have taken to picking up a book from my past that I have been hungering to reread and typing it out word for word, at a speed slow enough to feel the words relating to each other and hear new things in their music that I had not heard before. I will retype another's book until I feel love and not despair." 


Indie Presses.

Here's a great read that I found on TheAtlantic.com: “American Literature Needs Indie Presses.”

There’s a lot to appreciate about this insightful article by Nathan Scott McNamara which focuses on the role indie presses now have in the literary world. Check it out…



13 Questions.

As a practicing writer, one of the more critical decisions you will face is deciding where to submit your work.

Check out this new piece by Erika Dreifus on Literary Hub called “13 Questions to Ask Before Submitting to a Literary Journal.” It provides some sound advice on what you should look for as you’re searching for potential “homes” for your writing.


Where's Your Novel?

From a fiction standpoint, I’m a flash fiction/short story writer. As a result, I’ve often been confronted with the question, “But where’s your novel?”

So although I’m far from being a famous short story writer, I can identify with Amber Sparks’ article on Electric Literature: “Let Us Now Praise Famous Short Story Writers (And Demand They Write a Novel).”


The “Moist” of It All: A Look at Word Aversion.

A recent study by Paul Thibodeau, a professor of psychology at Oberlin College, examines the phenomenon of "word aversion"--the extremely visceral distaste that some people have in response to certain words, such as "moist," "luggage," and "phlegm." Check out this article about this study and the words that repel us. It got me thinking about the inherent power of these words and how I can use their “yuck factor” to my advantage in my writing.
